01 March 2012

March photo-a-day 1: Breakfast

Photo challenge day one. The theme was breakfast, and today's breakfast consisted of a homemade raspberry marzipan danish and a nice hot cup of coffee.

I won't insult you with a real recipe, I basically spread 4 rectangular sheets of puff pastry with a 1:1 mix of marzipan and low-fat cream cheese, put some defrosted raspberries and some almond slivers on top, rolled them up, and baked them at 200° C/390° F for 20 minutes.

1 comment:

  1. Na das ist ja mal ein tolles Frühstück, bei mir gibts meistens Porridge oder Käsebrot. Marzipan mag ich sehr, der Mitbewohner dagegen gar nicht.

    Liebe Grüße
